Friday, December 21, 2007

Practice worksheet: addition double and triple digits. "Carrying the number."

Life Skills
Had a discussion about Banks and bank accounts, check cards, and money.

Writing, Reading
Worksheet: Color the picture if it begins with /o/ .
Worksheet: Write O if the picture begins with /o/.
Worksheet: Write O, B, or K under the corresponding picture.

Reading, Science
Read The Octopus, Phantom of the Sea, by Cerullo.

Faith read The Magic Beans, by Hillert.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Practice worksheet of addition with double digits and triple digits, "carrying" the number, adding zero, and adding columns of numbers.

Faith read, The Magic Backpack, by Jarman.
Read Green Wilma, by Arnold.
Hot Hot Hot, by Layton.
Once Upon a Time, the End (Asleep in 60 Seconds), by Kloske and Blitt.

Geography, Reading
Scholastic Encyclopedia of the United States, by Bock and Kranz. Looked at the three states that begin with the letter O. Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon. Talked about where they are on the map, features, state bird, etc.

Science, Reading
Read Spiders, by Taylor.

Had friends come over to play today. Went to bible study at church.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Went hunting with daddy.

Monday, December 17, 2007

Went to the library this morning. We picked out books relating to the letter O.

Read poems from Where the Sidewalk Ends, by Silverstein
Read Pirate Bob, by Lasky
Faith read My "o" Sound Box, by Moncure.

Practice addition worksheets. Adding columns of numbers (two digits). Adding zero.

Writing, Reading
Worksheets: Practice writing capital and lower case O. Recognizing letter O.
Read the nursury rhyme, "Old King Cole". Then Faith wrote her own poem called "Old Queen Cole".

Old Queen Cole was a merry old soul,
a merry old soul was she.
She called for her coat,
and she called for her crown,
and she called for her five quilts.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Addition practice worksheet. Adding columns of numbers. Adding zero.

Faith read Never Let Your Cat Make Lunch For You, by Harris

Geography and Reading
Read Madeline in America, by Bemelmans & Marciano. Madeline travels to Texas and visits many popular places there.

Science and Reading
Read Astronomy, by Kerrod. Learned about Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, comets, and the Solar System.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007


Worksheet: Addition and Subtration mixed problems. Some discussion on how to add double digit numbers in columns and "carrying" the number. Used pine cones for illustration and counting.


Read What! Cried Granny: An Almost Bedtime Story, by Lum.

Faith read The Snow Baby, by Hillert.

Went to soccer practice.
Played with friends this morning.

Read The Full Belly Bowl, by Halperin
Faith read Jump! The Sound of J, by Klingel and Noyed

Reading, Math
Played the game I invented. Faith decided to name it Word Shortcut. We had new words this week for the letter J and also H words.

Math, Writing
Worksheet: Addition of double digit numbers. Faith is learning how to add columns of numbers like 21 + 25.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Went to the library today. Faith picked the letter J to learn about. We had a discussion about things that start with the letter J.

Friday, December 7, 2007

Reading, Art
Read His Mother's Nose, by Maloney and Zekauskas.
Faith drew a picture of my nose and face.

Reading, Math
Played the word game (still unnamed).

Reading, Writing
Worksheet: N sounds. Circle the picture that begins with /n/.
Worksheet: N sounds. Write Nn if the picture begins with /n/.
Worksheet: Name each picture, circle the correct name and write the name.
Worksheet: Name each picture. Write "ng" if you hear the ending sound as in "ring." Write "nk" if you hear the ending sound as in "sink."

History, Reading
Read Henry Ford: The Car Man, by Carin T. Ford. Learned about the famous automaker's life and cars.

Worksheet: Count how many animals, write the number. Draw a group that shows less. Write the number.

Read The Old Man Who Loved Cheese, by Wilsdorf.
Faith read Naps: The Sound of N, by Klingel and Noyed.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Read My Life As A Chicken, by Slack.
Read Snowie Rollie, by Joyce.
Read The Night Eater, by Juan.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Reading, Math
I created a game - I don't have a name for it yet - that will go along with whatever letter we are studying during any particular week. Each player gets cards with a word ending written on each one ("ing" or "ame" or "ot") and there's a stack of cards with beginning letters written on them to match. This week I wrote out cards with N's and W's and endings that create words with those letters. Players have to create words with the card they draw and the cards in their hands to progress along the game board and win. Faith loved the game and we played 3 times this morning. The math part is by rolling a die (1-6) and counting the correct number of spaces to move on the board.

Read the story of Gideon from Faith's children's Bible Stories book.

Spent the day as a family in the backyard building a treehouse for the girls. Also had a picnic outside. It was a beautiful day!

Monday, December 3, 2007

Went to the library this morning. Faith decided to study the letter "n" this week. She also wanted to learn about the first cars, so we checked out a book on Henry Ford.

Reading, Math
Read Does Anybody Love Me? by Lobel
Read City By Numbers, by Johnson. Faith learned to visualize numbers in new ways through the art in this book.

Writing, Art
Worksheet: Practice writing the letter "n" in both capital and lower case.
Worksheets: Recognizing upper and lower case N's in various positions and sizes. Color the pictures that begin with the N.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Read Curious George Flies a Kite, by Rey.
Faith read What Do You Like, by ?

Played "Chutes and Ladders" and "Candy Land."
(Recognizing numbers and counting.)

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Writing, Art
Worksheets: Name each picture, Circle the picture and write the name. (gl, fl, cl, pl, bl)
Worksheet: Color the leaves on the tree. Color the capital L's green. Color the lower case l's yellow.
Worksheet: Practice writing capital and lower case L's.

Read "Mulan" from Disney Beloved Tales
Faith read Happy Days, by ?

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Listened to the audio recording of Prince Caspian: The Return to Narnia, by C.S. Lewis.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Listened to the audio recording of The Horse and His Boy, by C.S. Lewis.

Art, Writing
Decorated a Give Thanks container for a Thanksgiving project. Faith collected statements from family while on our camping trip of what they were thankful for. They wrote them on notecards, including Faith, and put them in the container. We then took turns reaching in and reading each other's cards.

Physical Education, Science
Took a nature hike and learned about the different kinds of trees in Georgia and explored a river waterfall, an old grist mill, and saw beautiful fall colors.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Writing, Reading
Wrote a letter to penpal, Caleb about her new pet snake. Sent him a package with an arts & crafts folder. Took it to the post office and mailed it.

Played "Go Fish" with numbered playing cards. (Number recognition and counting.)

Friday, November 16, 2007

Life Skills, Art
Faith helped frost and decorate a birthday cake in memory of her sister, Annika.

Worksheets: Counting objects and writing the number. Skip counting (counting by twos). Fill in the missing number. Counting objects and finding the total by making tally marks on a chart.

Art, History, Math
Made popsicle stick puzzles today. Lined up the sticks and taped the back with a strip of masking tape. Wrote a number on each stick in order (1-15). On the other side, Faith colored a picture of the Mayflower, then removed the strip of tape. Makes a puzzle that can be put together from the picture side or by numerical order.

Then, Faith decided her puzzle needed a box to keep it in, so we made a box out of popsicle sticks, wide strips of fabric, leather, and metal buttons for decoration.

Computer Skills
Played on today.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

We took a field trip with some other homeschoolers to the Mission San Luis. It was a wonderful view inside the life of the Spanish settlers and Appalachee Indians of the time.

Physical Education
Faith also attended gymnastics today.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Reading, Writing
Worksheet: Cut out the words and sort them into groups (hard "th" as in "the" and soft "th" as in "thin").
Worksheet: Say each picture name. Listen for the /th/ or /ch/ sound. Write the name.
Worksheet: Say each picture name. Listen for the /sh/ or /ck/ sound. Write the name.

Faith practiced writing her last name.

Math (Time)
Worksheet: Tell time to the hour by looking at clock hands, a digital clock, and writing "o'clock".

Reading, History, Geography
Read The Story of Thanksgiving, by Bartlett.
Faith read Word Bird's Thanksgiving Words, by Moncure.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Life Skills
Played with friends this morning.
Went to the Fire Station and climbed in the back of a Police car. Watched as the police officer used his laser to catch people speeding and pulled them over to give them a ticket.

Reading, History, Geography
Read Thanksgiving Day: A Time to Be Thankful, by Landau. Learned the history of Thanksgiving from the Pilgrims to Sarah Josepha Hale. Looked on the globe to discover the path the Pilgrims took from England to Massachusetts.

Faith read Thanksgiving Is... by Borden.

Bible Study, Reading
Read "Elijah and the Prophets of Baal (1 Kings 18:17-40)" from Egermeier's Bible Story Book.

Played Chutes and Ladders. (Counting and number recognition.)

Invited a friend to come over and see Sophie the Corn Snake eat her weekly meal. Faith explained to him many things about snakes and how to care for them.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Reading, Math (Time), Bible Study
Faith read Time, by Pistoia.
Read I.Q., It's Time, by Fraser.
Read "Elijah Fed By the Ravens" from Egermeier's Bible Story Book.

Math (Time)
More chalkboard clock reading.

Writing, Art
More chalkboard story telling. This time, Faith retold the story of the "Gingerbread Man" in her own words while drawing pictures. I told her the story of the "Frog Prince."

Art, Math (Time)
Cut out a paper clock and used a brad to attach the hands. Faith colored the clock with colored pencils. Then we practiced telling time with it.

Physical Education
Gymnastics class.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Reading, Writing
Worksheet: Circle the items that begin with the /t/ sound.
Worksheet: Read the words in the box, then write each one next to the correct picture. Also, write your own "T" word and draw a picture of it.
Letter T maze.
Worksheet: Practice writing upper and lower case T.

Math (Time)
Did chalkboard clocks and practicing telling time again today. (see yesterday)

Art, Writing
Creative writing. Faith drew pictures and words on the chalk board as she described a "pirate" story to me. Then I did one for Faith.

Read Sione's Talo, by Nelisi
Faith read Herman the Helper, by Kraus

Played on today.

Monday, November 5, 2007

Faith has decided to study the letter "T" this week.

Writing, Reading, Art
We made a "T" poster. Took turns thinking of and writing words that start with "t" including "th" words. Faith then illustrated the words. We hung the poster on the refrigerator.

Math (Time)
This week we will be learning about time and telling time. We sat down with a chalkboard and I asked Faith to help me think of some ways people talk about time. We came up with words like "minute" and "year" and "tomorrow".
Then I drew a clock on the chalkboard and we discussed what it represents, how many seconds are in a minute, how many minutes are in an hour and so forth.
I drew hands on the clock and had Faith tell me what "o'clock" it was. (She was already knowlegeable with hours.) Then I taught her how to count the numbers by fives and she practiced telling time that way.

Worksheet: Look at each clock and write what hour it is. (4:00)

Reading, Bible Study
Faith read It's Not Easy Being a Bunny, by Sadler.
Read "A Bug's Life" from Disney Beloved Tales.
Read "Asa Follows God (1 Kings 15:9-15; 2 Chronicles 14-15)" and "Trouble Between Israel and Judah (1 Kings 15:16-24; 2 Chronicles 16)" from Egermeier's Bible Story Book.

Reading, Writing
Worksheet: Recognizing and writing the letter T/t
Worksheet: Color the picture that begins with the /t/ sound
Worksheet: Write a T/t under each picture that begins with the /t/ sound

Faith colored a picture of a turkey.

Friday, November 2, 2007

Faith read What If? by Graham
Read The Wedding Dress Mess, by Masini

Worked on adding 1-20 in her head while on a walk.
Worksheet: Counting, Skip-counting, and writing in the missing number
Worksheet: Write in the missing numbers 1-20

Math (Money) , Physical Education
Went on a coin hunt walk and found a quarter and five pennies. Discussed adding quarters and pennies.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Physical Education
Went to gymnastics.
Had a friend come over to play this afternoon.

Reading, Science
Read The Magic School Bus At The Waterworks, by Cole. Learned about the water cycle and how water is cleaned and processed from nature and the path it takes to get to our homes.

Reading, Writing
Worksheet: Write the upper and lower case letter W on the lines if the picture begins with W.
Worksheet: Color the picture if it begins with the letter W.
Worksheet: Name each picture. Write "wh" if you hear the same sound as "whale" and write "ch" if you hear the same sound as "chair."
Worksheet: Name each picture. Circle the picture name, then write the name. "ch" and "wh"

Bible Study, Reading
Read "Solomon's Last Days (1 Kings 11)" from Egermeier's Bible Story Book.

Had a discussion about "nocturnal" animals. Faith noticed that her pet snake, Sophie, is more active at night and I explained that she is a nocturnal animal. We named other animals that are nocturnal and why.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Reading, Science
Read together The Wonder In Water, by Swanson. Learned about different types of bodies of water, including our own body and sweat.

Went to the library to pick up some more books. Faith colored a picture while there of a pumpkin and created a silly face on it.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Played with friends this morning.

Reading, Science
Read Let's Explore a River, by McCauley. Learned about wildlife, currents, plants and seasons of a river.

Faith read Why the Frog Has Big Eyes, by Franco
Faith read Wish and Win: The Sound of W, by Flanagan

Took turns writing and figuring addition and subtraction problems with chalk on the driveway. Faith learned how to add larger sums by adding up columns of two numbers (Ex: 22+33=55 and 2,000+3,000=5,000)

Math (Money)
Worksheets: Draw lines to match the rows of nickels to the price tags (counting by 5's).
Worksheet: Write the missing numbers in the rectangles (1-20)

Science, Music
Experiment: To see how different amounts of water in a glass affect the sound produced when struck. Filled four glasses with water of varying amounts and listened to the sound each produced. Talked about vibration and sound. More water means a lower sound is produced because the vibration is slower.

Monday, October 29, 2007

Went to the library. Faith chose the letter "W" to learn about this week. We checked out books about water.

Reading, Geography
Read A Cool Drink of Water, by Kerley. A book by National Geographic showing picture of people and water from around the world. Contains a map that shows where each photo was taken.

Faith read My "w" Sound Box, by Moncure.

Science, Reading, Art
Learned about the Water Cycle from this website and printed out a coloring page of the water cycle that Faith colored.

Art, Writing, Science
I gave Faith a poster with waves at the top and asked her to write "water" and then draw pictures of things that live in the water. She drew seaweed, fish, clams and of course, Ariel, the little mermaid.

Art, Writing
Went outside and collected "wood" (sticks) and glued them to paper in the shape of a W. Faith wrote the word "wood" on her paper.

Reading, Bible Study
Faith read David, from Classic Bible Stories by McGraw-Hill Children's Publishing
Read from Egermeier's Bible Story Book

Friday, October 26, 2007

Physical Education
Went to the park. Visited with friends. Went to the pumpkin patch and looked at all the shapes and sizes of pumpkins.

Art, Writing, Life Skills
Faith wrote and illustrated Thank You cards to relatives who sent gifts for her birthday.

Discussed where Moses lived (Egypt and Israel) and found those places on the globe.

Read Is That True? Kids Talk About Honesty, by Nettleton
Read Monster Laughs: Frightfully Funny Jokes About Monsters, by Dahl

Reading, Bible Study
Read "David Counts His Soldiers (2 Samuel 24; 1 Chronicles 21-22)" and "Solomon Becomes King (1 Kings 1:1-2:12)" from Egermeier's Bible Story Book

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Physical Education
Played with friends in the morning.
Went to Gymnastics in the afternoon.

Reading, Bible Study
Read "Absalom Tries to Become King (2 Samuel 15-17)" and "Absalom Loses His Life (2 Samuel 18-19)" from Egermeier's Bible Story Book

Found New York and New York City on the globe.

Faith read Follow the Monsters! by Lerner

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Science, Reading
Read Where Does the Moon Go? by Rosen
Learned about moon phases, rotation of the moon, the earth and orbits, Neil Armstrong visiting the moon, gravity, what makes a day, what makes a year, etc.

Experiment: Using a globe, a rubber ball (moon) and a flashlight (sun), demonstrated the areas listed above. Faith told Uncle Shawn later that, "The sun does not move!"

Faith read My "m" Sound Box, by Moncure.

Made lion masks.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Reading, Science
Read Why Does the Moon Change Shape? by Isaac Asimov

Reading, Bible Study
Faith read Follow the Monsters! by Lerner
Read "The Lame Prince (2 Samuel 4:4, 9:1-13)" and "David's Sin (2 Samuel 11:1-12:25)" from Egermeier's Bible Story Book

Math (Money)
Worksheets: Adding Nickels and Pennies

Writing, Reading
Worksheet: Recognizing objects that begin with the letter M

Monday, October 22, 2007

Went to the library. Faith decided to study the letter M this week. We checked out books about the moon, music, manatees, magnets, and monsters. Read a book about "microorganisms" while at the library.

Art, Writing, Reading
Made an "M" poster. Faith and I thought of words that start with the letter M and took turns writing them on poster board. Then we illustrated the words with colored pencil drawings.

Read In the Attic, by Oram.
Read I Meant To Clean My Room Today, by Nerlove.
Read Moondance, by Asch.

Reading, Science, Geography
Faith read Manatees, by Klingel and Noyed.
Learned about Manatees and where they live.

Played with Moon Sand.

Writing, Reading
Worksheet: Recognizing the Letter M

Subtration. Counting by twos.
Worksheet: Writing the Letter M, upper and lower case

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Physical Education
Gymnastics Class

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Life Skills
Went to the firestation this morning.

Went to several pet stores and learned about varieties of pets. Dogs. Cats. Birds. Snakes. Lizards. Geckos. Rats. Mice. Gerbils. Fish. Etc...

Reading, Bible Study
"David Finds Saul Asleep (1 Samuel 26-27)" and "Saul Dies (1 Samuel 28:3-25; 31)" from Egermeier's Bible Story Book

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Used a stencil to trace different sized "dots" on colored construction paper and cut them out. Then Faith glued them on to a piece of paper in a collage style to make a picture of a dog.

Reading, Science
Read Dolphins, by Stoops, Martin & Stone
Learned about the many types of dolphins, how and where they live, their bodies, senses, eating habits, babies & families, and how people can interact with them.

Read Encantado Pink Dolphin of the Amazon, by Montgomery
Learned all about this particular type of dolphin.

Faith read My "d" Sound Box, by Moncure

Monday, October 15, 2007

Went to the library. Faith wanted to learn about the letter "D" this week. She chose books about dolphins and dogs.

Introduction to the Dictionary. Faith learned about "alphabetical order" and how to find "D" words in the dictionary. We found some new "D" words that we did not know before.

Read Lizzy's Do's and Don'ts, by Harper
Read Your Bellybutton, by Nanao
Faith read Sam and the Bag, by Jeffries

Writing, Reading
Worksheets: recognizing the sound of the letter "D"
Worksheets: recognizing the letter "D" and writing it in upper and lower case

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Reading, Bible Study
Read "Saul Hunts David (1 Samuel 23)" and "David Spares Saul's Life (1 Samuel 24-25)" from Egermeier's Bible Story Book

Friday, October 12, 2007

Faith read Dora's Sleepover

Reading, Bible Study
Read "Saul Orders the Priests' Death (1 Samuel 22:6-23) and "Saul Hunts David (1 Samuel 23)"

Coloring book pages.

Played "Go Fish" with regular deck of playing cards. Recognizing numbers and adding.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Art, Science
Made popcorn wreaths by threading homemade popcorn onto wire and tying into a circle. Then we hung the wreaths from tree branches in the yard to feed the squirrels and birds. Discussed what animals can eat popcorn and what animals should not (dogs).

Faith wrote a letter to her pen-pal, Caleb, about her wreath project. She addressed the envelope also.

Reading, Bible Study
Faith read Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See, by Martin.
Faith read Tiny Goes Camping, by Meister.
Read Sweet Strawberries, by Naylor.
Read "Jonathan Warns David(1 Samuel 20)" and "David Flees For His Life (1 Samuel 21:1-22:5)" from Egermeier's Bible Story Book.

Math , Physical Education
Went for a walk and hunted for dropped coins on the road. Faith found nine pennies and one dime. We discussed what a "cent" is and how five cents are equal to one nickel and how ten cents are equal to a dime. Faith added up her money and told us she had found 19 cents.

Physical Education
Gymnastics Class

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Physical Education
Went to Marjorie Turnbull Park. Played with friends.

Faith read My "f" Sound Box, by Moncure
Read Mr. McMouse, by Lionni

Faith played on

Replaced the water in our Coleus cuttings project. Inspected for root growth. Arranged plants in their containers.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Played with friends at church this morning.

Science, Math, Life Skills

Faith helped me bake bread this morning. Particularly with measuring teaspoon/tablespoon ingredients.
We first went to the New Leaf Market to buy grains for the bread. While shopping we had a discussion about different vegetables and their roots. (ie. The part of the carrot we eat is actually the root and the plant leaves grow from the top of it.)
Faith found fennel at the market and told me that because it started with the letter "F" (our letter of the week) she wanted to buy some and try it. We had it for dinner tonight, chopped raw and also sauteed in olive oil. Faith liked it raw but not cooked.

Made Chinese Fans out of cardstock and leather strips. Decorated with markers. Faith told me this story about her drawing:

These are people dressed up in daisy costumes. Their eyes have makeup on them. The shoes are curly on the toes like people in China used to wear a long time ago. They are dancing on tiptoe for a show. These are the curtains on the stage. The clouds are hanging from strings that you can see.

Writing, Reading
Worksheet: The long e sound as in "leaf" and "bee", recognize other words/pictures that have the same sound in them.

Worksheet: writing "st", "sk", "sl", "sm", and "sn" words.

Practiced adding numbers 1-20 in her head while in the car.

Faith and I read together The Berenstain Bears' Seashore Treasure, by Berenstain

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Physical Education
Had friends come over for lunch and to play.
Went to gymnastics.

Faith read The Picnic, by Williams

Reading, Science
Read The Big Book of Bones: An Introduction to Skeletons, by Llewellyn

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Went to our friends, The Alley's, house for a visit:
Art, Science, Writing
Made alligators from construction paper with working jaws (Jackson is studying the letter A) and Miss Julie explained all about alligators.

Faith read Hand, Hand, Fingers, Thumb, by Perkins

Writing, Reading
Made patterns with lowercase b's and d's.

DVD: In the Body: Organs, Health, & Nutrition, by Squibs

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Played with friends this morning.

Reading, Science
Read The X-ray Picture of Your Body, by Watts

Art, Writing, Science, Reading
Created a book about My Five Senses. Faith cut out sentences and filled in the missing word, "I _____ with my eyes." Then she glued them to each page and drew a picture of the corresponding body part. Then she shared the book with her daddy.

Math, Writing, Computers
Computer Game, numerical order, recognizing numbers:
Writing numbers with daddy
Played on

Bible Study, Reading
Read the story of Jacob and Laban from Egermeier's Bible Story Book

Monday, October 1, 2007

Went to the library. Faith decided to learn about the body this week. We will also study the letter "B".

Reading, Science
Read Your Bellybutton, by Nanao. Learned about how belly buttons are made and all the different shapes and sizes of bellybuttons.

Read Body Detectives: A Book About the Five Senses, by Gelman. Learn the differences between the five senses and the basic science of how they communicate with the brain.

Read What Happens to a Hamburger, by Showers. Explains digestion beginning with chewing and ending with waste and energy.

Experiment 1: Dissolved sugar into water to show that things can break down small enough to be invisible to our eyes, but our tounges can still taste them.

Experiment 2: Chewed carrots 9, 10, & 30 times to show how chewing makes food smaller.

Faith read Money, Money, Honey Bunny, by Sadler

DVD: Eyewitness Natural Disasters. 2004 Schlessinger Media.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Physical Education
Gymnastics Class

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Life Skills
Watched house fire videos with Daddy & Hope this morning. Learned about fire and safety from a firefighter perspective.

Art, Science
Spent some time outside looking for textures and making rubbings with pastels on paper. Watched leaves fall and examined the various bugs living in our grass (spittle bugs and their spittle egg piles).

Reading, History, Math
Read Johnny Appleseed, by Blair and Johnny Appleseed, by Gleiter and Thompson
Faith read My "A" Sound Box, by Moncure
Counted apples in Johnny Appleseed and used them in adding

Worksheets: Recognizing the letter "A", writing the letter "A", and locating items that begin with the letter "A"

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Physical Education
Played with friends this morning.

Worksheets, Following directions, adding numbers 1-20, recognizing numbers, top, middle, bottom.

Faith read We Play On A Rainy Day, by Medearis
Read Frog and Toad Are Friends, by Lobel
Read Arthur's Underwear, by Brown

Hunted for worms in the backyard and studied their ability to burrow in the ground. Learned about how they live, what they eat, etc.

Monday, September 24, 2007

Studying The Letter A this week. Apples and Autumn.

Went to the library this morning and checked out books & movies. Faith and Hope colored pictures there and talked with the librarian.

Math, Writing, Art
Apple Seed Count: Traced numbers 1-6 on apple printouts. Cut up apples and removed seeds. Glued the appropriate number of seed to each apple and colored each apple.

Worksheet: Practice writing upper and lower case A.
Worksheet: Recognizing objects that begin with the "A" sound.
Worksheet: "A" maze.

Faith read page 10 of Frog and Toad Together, by Lobel
Read The Fire Cat, by Averill
Read poems from A Light in the Attic, by Silverstein

Apple prints with paint.

Reading, Writing
Driveway chalk words. Learned "all" words (ie. fall, call, hall) and "a" words.

Friday, September 21, 2007

Reading, Science, Geography
Read Boas, Pythons, and Anacondas, by Ethan. Looked on the globe to see where they live in the world. Discussed the "equator" and warmth, and how seasons are opposite on opposite sides of the equator.

Spiral Snake Craft: Drew spirals on green construction paper, glued google eyes and decorated the spirals and then cut them out to make coiled snakes to hang with string. They slowly spin when hung under a fan.

Snake color by letter worksheet.

snake dot-to-dot

Computers, Math, Art
Played on . (dot-to-dot, coloring, making a video sequence, etc.)

Faith read About Pets, by McKay
Read My "S" Sound Box, by Moncure

Physical Education
Went to play with friends this afternoon.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Physical Education

Gymnastics class

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Life Skills, Physical Education
Went to the shooting range with Daddy. Learned to shoot a .22 rifle and gun safety.

Writing, Reading, Art
Worksheet: Letter S. Color the words yellow that begin with the same sound as "sun." Color the other words blue.

Practice recognizing "problem numbers" like 12 & 21.

Reading, Science
Read Vipers, by Ethan. Learned about prey, predators, venom, fangs, camoflage, etc.

Reading, Writing
Worksheet: Faith read a story about a snake and then answered a question. She then copied the answer (sentence) onto the worksheet.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Played with friends at church this morning.

Reading, Science, Bible Study
Faith read pages 8-9 of Frog and Toad Together by Lobel
Read All About Rattlesnakes by Arnosky
Read selections from Egermeier's Bible Story Book
Picture book, Tuesday, by Wiesner

Faith drew pictures of rattlesnakes using new mediums, oil pastels and pastel pencils

Writing, Reading
Took turns reading and writing words on the driveway with sidewalk chalk

Computer Skills
Played by herself on

Monday, September 17, 2007

Faith decided she wanted to learn about snakes this week. Therefore, we will review the letter S as we study snakes.

Reading, Science
We went to the library and read a book about different kinds of snakes and checked out many other books.
Read Cobras, by Ethan

Art, Science
Faith invented her own craft to do: we picked red, yellow and green leaves and stuck them onto sticks making patterns like snakes. We had learned that many animals in nature that have red and yellow coloring are actually poisonous.

Inside, we used play dough to create our own cobra snakes.

Physical Education
Went on a snake hunt with Daddy. Did not find any snakes, but learned about how and where they like to live near our home.

Practiced addition 1-20 with Daddy. Used the computer to play math games online.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Writing, Math, Art
Learned about the Letter V this week, so we did an introduction to Vincent Van Gogh. I showed Faith his famous "Starry Night" painting and we discussed colors and how it looks from far away and close up. Then we viewed one of his "Sunflowers" paintings and Faith filled out a worksheet on it. Counting flowers. Identifying colors. Identifying "V" objects, such as the vase in the picture and how he signed his name "Vincent" on the vase. Then we did a craft by glueing seeds, beans, and pasta on top of a printout of the sunflowers painting.

Friday, September 14, 2007

Reading, Bible Study
Read John 10:1-18 The Shepherd and His Flock. The Letter V is for Voice. The sheep know the shepherd's voice, and who is the shepherd? Jesus. And how do we know his voice? By reading the Bible.

Reading, Writing, Art
Worksheet: V is for Van. Following directions for coloring a puzzle by recognizing words. Write the word "van."

Faith read Frog and Toad Together by Lobel.

Wrote words on the driveway with chalk. Taking turns, I would write a word for Faith to read and then Faith would write a word for me to read.

Played online games covering addition, number recognition, doubling numbers, counting, and memory
and here

Reading, Social Studies
Read Stories From China by Pirotta

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Faith addressed and mailed her letter to penpal, Caleb.

Lizzy's Ups and Downs by Harper
Nora's Room by Harper
The Three Grumpies by Wight

Life Skills
When reading The Three Grumpies, we had a discussion about how the character conquered being grumpy. Not with more grumpies, but with choosing to smile and change the way she reacts to them!

Physical Education
Played at the gym.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Read poems from A Light In The Attic by Silverstein
Faith read A Whisper Is Quiet by Lunn and Happy Days With Our Friends by Montgomery & Bauer

Life Skills
Baked cookies and decorated them

Writing, Art
Worksheet: The color purple
Worksheet: Find and color 4 leaves puzzle
Worksheet: Write the letter that begins each picture word

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Reading, Science, Geography
Read Volcanoes: Mountains That Blow Their Tops by Nirgiotis

Invited some friends over to help us build a volcano experiment. We made a sand/water mountain with a bottle inside of it. The kids measured and mixed flour and baking soda in the bottle and then added red wine vinegar to it. It foamed up an flowed down the mountain like a volcano!

Faith read Selfish Sophie by Kelleher

Life Skills, Math, Science
Baked bread together. Faith helped measure and add ingredients.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Reading, Art, Science
Went to the "Big" Library and read books and checked out books and looked at art and crafts on the walls.
Read Eyewitness Books: Volcanoes and Earthquakes

Worksheet: The Letter V & The Letter U
Worksheet: Fill in the Blank with a word
Practiced writing numbers 1-10
Practiced writing uppercase alphabet

Friday, September 7, 2007

Science, Physical Education
Went butterfly hunting. Brought the camera and walked around the neighborhood snapping pictures of flowers (what butterflies eat) and mushrooms (where butterflies sit) and of course, butterflies! Faith loves taking pictures.

Faith read Go Dog, Go!
We read Eyewitness Books: Archeology by McIntosh, A Butterfly's Life by Burke, Insects Up Close by Martin

Science, Art
Learned about butterfly life cycle from the internet and colored a picture of each stage. Talked about how they see (with many lenses) and how their life cycle is different from a dragonfly.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Worksheet: The Letter Y
Began writing a letter to penpal, Caleb.

Drew a picture for Caleb.

Played Chutes and Ladders.

Faith read Down on the Farm by Lascaro

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Read poetry, Where the Sidewalk Ends by Silverstien
Faith read Put Me In the Zoo by Lopshire

Adding numbers 1-10 using a computer game
Practiced adding using the "dot" system with Seth

Writing, Art
Wrote her report on Mexico. Colored a picture of what she saw in Mexico. Created a cover and put together all of the elements of her Mexico report that she had worked on before vacation.

Free coloring time using multimedia.

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Read poetry, Where the Sidewalk Ends by Silverstien
Faith read aloud Nina, Nina Ballerina by O'Connor

Adding numbers 1-10 using a computer game

Finished Mexican Pinata craft

Physical Education
Played in the rain. :)

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Math, Art, Science
We went for a walk around the neighborhood and collected interesting items (flowers, sticks, rocks, colorful leaves, etc.). At home, Faith counted how many of each item she had collected and drew pictures of them on a chart. At the end of each row of items, she added them up and wrote the number. Later, Daddy helped her count the total number of items collected. Then, using one long stick, we strung the items from it with string to make a mobile. Faith figured out how to get it to balance by tying the items to one end or the other.

Reading, Math, Art

Workbook: reading number words and drawing the correct number of items


Adding numbers 1-10


Began Mexican craft: Pinata Project

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Physical Education
Morning playtime with friends.

Reading, Social Studies
Read Mexico in Pictures by Hamilton

Computers, Math
Played online adding game and

Art, History
Studied Mayan writing system
Colored Mayan symbols/words

Writing, Time
Worksheets: Writing The Letter P& Q; Reading the "O'clock"

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Art, Social Studies
Colored the Mexican Flag.

Physical Education
Played outside.

Practiced writing the letter X on a workbook page.
Math, Writing
Workbook page: practice counting pennies and nickels, writing numbers
Made up a song about Mexico.
Faith read Maisy's Rainbow Dream by Cousins
Adding numbers 1-10 using a computer game
Practiced counting, adding and writing numbers on paper
The Visual Dictionary of Ancient Civilizations by Dorling Kindserly

Monday, August 20, 2007

Went to the library to pick up books on Mexico. Also read a book about Squids, Octopus, & Cuttlefish.
Colored a map of North America. Drew a key for each country's color. Marked the places in Mexico that we are going to visit and consulted the globe for reference.
Faith practiced reading The Big, Big Wall by Howard
Read Aztec, Inca & Maya by Bazuendano
Read Aztec, Inca & Maya by Bazuendano to learn about the lifestyles of the early Central American peoples.
Arts & Crafts
After looking at pictures of Mayan (etc.) carvings, pottery, art & clothing, we decided to make a "poncho". We cut out fabric and colored Mayan-style drawings on it.
Adding numbers 1-10 using a computer game
Wrote a letter to her pen-pal, and colored a picture for him.