Monday, October 1, 2007

Went to the library. Faith decided to learn about the body this week. We will also study the letter "B".

Reading, Science
Read Your Bellybutton, by Nanao. Learned about how belly buttons are made and all the different shapes and sizes of bellybuttons.

Read Body Detectives: A Book About the Five Senses, by Gelman. Learn the differences between the five senses and the basic science of how they communicate with the brain.

Read What Happens to a Hamburger, by Showers. Explains digestion beginning with chewing and ending with waste and energy.

Experiment 1: Dissolved sugar into water to show that things can break down small enough to be invisible to our eyes, but our tounges can still taste them.

Experiment 2: Chewed carrots 9, 10, & 30 times to show how chewing makes food smaller.

Faith read Money, Money, Honey Bunny, by Sadler

DVD: Eyewitness Natural Disasters. 2004 Schlessinger Media.

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