Monday, September 17, 2007

Faith decided she wanted to learn about snakes this week. Therefore, we will review the letter S as we study snakes.

Reading, Science
We went to the library and read a book about different kinds of snakes and checked out many other books.
Read Cobras, by Ethan

Art, Science
Faith invented her own craft to do: we picked red, yellow and green leaves and stuck them onto sticks making patterns like snakes. We had learned that many animals in nature that have red and yellow coloring are actually poisonous.

Inside, we used play dough to create our own cobra snakes.

Physical Education
Went on a snake hunt with Daddy. Did not find any snakes, but learned about how and where they like to live near our home.

Practiced addition 1-20 with Daddy. Used the computer to play math games online.

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