Friday, November 16, 2007

Life Skills, Art
Faith helped frost and decorate a birthday cake in memory of her sister, Annika.

Worksheets: Counting objects and writing the number. Skip counting (counting by twos). Fill in the missing number. Counting objects and finding the total by making tally marks on a chart.

Art, History, Math
Made popsicle stick puzzles today. Lined up the sticks and taped the back with a strip of masking tape. Wrote a number on each stick in order (1-15). On the other side, Faith colored a picture of the Mayflower, then removed the strip of tape. Makes a puzzle that can be put together from the picture side or by numerical order.

Then, Faith decided her puzzle needed a box to keep it in, so we made a box out of popsicle sticks, wide strips of fabric, leather, and metal buttons for decoration.

Computer Skills
Played on today.

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