Thursday, October 11, 2007

Art, Science
Made popcorn wreaths by threading homemade popcorn onto wire and tying into a circle. Then we hung the wreaths from tree branches in the yard to feed the squirrels and birds. Discussed what animals can eat popcorn and what animals should not (dogs).

Faith wrote a letter to her pen-pal, Caleb, about her wreath project. She addressed the envelope also.

Reading, Bible Study
Faith read Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See, by Martin.
Faith read Tiny Goes Camping, by Meister.
Read Sweet Strawberries, by Naylor.
Read "Jonathan Warns David(1 Samuel 20)" and "David Flees For His Life (1 Samuel 21:1-22:5)" from Egermeier's Bible Story Book.

Math , Physical Education
Went for a walk and hunted for dropped coins on the road. Faith found nine pennies and one dime. We discussed what a "cent" is and how five cents are equal to one nickel and how ten cents are equal to a dime. Faith added up her money and told us she had found 19 cents.

Physical Education
Gymnastics Class

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