Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Played with friends at church this morning.

Science, Math, Life Skills

Faith helped me bake bread this morning. Particularly with measuring teaspoon/tablespoon ingredients.
We first went to the New Leaf Market to buy grains for the bread. While shopping we had a discussion about different vegetables and their roots. (ie. The part of the carrot we eat is actually the root and the plant leaves grow from the top of it.)
Faith found fennel at the market and told me that because it started with the letter "F" (our letter of the week) she wanted to buy some and try it. We had it for dinner tonight, chopped raw and also sauteed in olive oil. Faith liked it raw but not cooked.

Made Chinese Fans out of cardstock and leather strips. Decorated with markers. Faith told me this story about her drawing:

These are people dressed up in daisy costumes. Their eyes have makeup on them. The shoes are curly on the toes like people in China used to wear a long time ago. They are dancing on tiptoe for a show. These are the curtains on the stage. The clouds are hanging from strings that you can see.

Writing, Reading
Worksheet: The long e sound as in "leaf" and "bee", recognize other words/pictures that have the same sound in them.

Worksheet: writing "st", "sk", "sl", "sm", and "sn" words.

Practiced adding numbers 1-20 in her head while in the car.

Faith and I read together The Berenstain Bears' Seashore Treasure, by Berenstain

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