Monday, October 22, 2007

Went to the library. Faith decided to study the letter M this week. We checked out books about the moon, music, manatees, magnets, and monsters. Read a book about "microorganisms" while at the library.

Art, Writing, Reading
Made an "M" poster. Faith and I thought of words that start with the letter M and took turns writing them on poster board. Then we illustrated the words with colored pencil drawings.

Read In the Attic, by Oram.
Read I Meant To Clean My Room Today, by Nerlove.
Read Moondance, by Asch.

Reading, Science, Geography
Faith read Manatees, by Klingel and Noyed.
Learned about Manatees and where they live.

Played with Moon Sand.

Writing, Reading
Worksheet: Recognizing the Letter M

Subtration. Counting by twos.
Worksheet: Writing the Letter M, upper and lower case

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