Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Reading, Math
I created a game - I don't have a name for it yet - that will go along with whatever letter we are studying during any particular week. Each player gets cards with a word ending written on each one ("ing" or "ame" or "ot") and there's a stack of cards with beginning letters written on them to match. This week I wrote out cards with N's and W's and endings that create words with those letters. Players have to create words with the card they draw and the cards in their hands to progress along the game board and win. Faith loved the game and we played 3 times this morning. The math part is by rolling a die (1-6) and counting the correct number of spaces to move on the board.

Read the story of Gideon from Faith's children's Bible Stories book.

Spent the day as a family in the backyard building a treehouse for the girls. Also had a picnic outside. It was a beautiful day!

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