Monday, February 25, 2008

Dividing in Half: I brought home a pile of pennies that I'd found on my jog through the neighborhood. I had Faith divide them into two equal groups so that she could have some and her sister could have some.

A House for Hermit Crab, by Eric Carle.

Faith read pgs 1-44 of The Case of The Hungry Stranger, by Bonsall. She has really enjoyed this book so far. I think that is because it's a mystery and has a more complex plot that the usual easy reader books that she has read. She can't wait to turn the page. Yea for Faith being excited about reading a book!

Science, Bible Study
Currently, I'm reading Case for Creation, by Lee Strobel. Faith asked me what the book was about. This opened up a discussion about evolution and creation. From there, we began talking about space, the solar system, galaxies and the universe. I showed Faith several short videos on the internet that depict what it would be like to travel (visually) from our planet, through the solar system, our galaxy, our galaxy cluster, and into the outer reaches of the universe. She was fascinated by this. We looked at many pictures of what our galaxy (a spiral galaxy) is shaped like, and compared it to other galaxies. We also discussed what a theory is.

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