Monday, February 18, 2008

Faith asked, "Where is Spain?" while watching me fix a spanish fan that a friend brought home from a trip to that country. So, we got out the globe and identified Spain. We reviewed the difference between a state and a country. Faith learned to identify islands as a landmass completely surrounded by water. We did an exercise with her finding different islands on the globe, and also with me asking her if particular places were islands or not.

We discussed how the spanish language came from Spain and eventually spread over most of Central and South America. Then we identified Portugal and Brazil and discussed the spread of Portugese in a similar manner.

Science, Geography
We reviewed where the Equator and the North and South Poles are. Then we discussed whether a country's climate was "warm" or "cold" by it's proximity to these areas.

Math, Geography
Exercise: Using a piece of string, measure the distance between Tallahassee, FL and Spain, Hawaii, the Equator, and the North Pole. Then draw each distance using the string on the chart provided. Measure each line in inches using a ruler and write the answer next to it. Which place is the farthest away from Tallahassee? Which place is closest?
Faith also learned how to write the term "1/2" while doing the exercise.

Math, Art, Writing, Reading
Exercise: Using your ruler, find something that is 3 inches long in your room. Draw a picture of it and label the picture. Faith found a shell and drew an excellent representation of it. She spelled the word "shell" on her paper.

Worked some more on our garden project. We found more containers to use for planting seeds. Faith filled them with soil, chose two kinds of seeds, sowed them, and watered them.

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