Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Faith read the second half of The Case of the Hungry Stranger, by Bonsall.
Reinforced learning of the "ee" sound as in "Mrs. Meech" and "teeth".

Madeline In London, by Bemelmans.

Reading, Writing
Worksheet: Name each picture. Color the picture if you hear the long "e" sound as in "leaf" or "bee".
Worksheet: Name each picture. Write the missing letters and trace the vowel letters "ee" or "ea".

Worksheet: Draw the correct number of circles in the boxes under each numbered truck.

Exercise: I handed Faith a pile of pennies and had her count how many. (20) I then asked her to divide the pennies in to two equal groups (in half). I asked her how many pennies were in each group. (10) and then showed her that 10 plus 10 equals 20.

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