Monday, March 30, 2009

Week of March 29-April 4

Worksheet: mixed review on time and money
Worksheet: mixed review on time (hour and half hour clock reading) and money (pennies, nickels, dimes and quarters)
Worksheet: Money. Draw the coins. (Draw 65 cents using 5 coins.)
Worksheet: Money. Look at the coins. Multiple choice, how much money is shown?
Worksheet: Money. Count. Write the total value of the coins.

Reading, Science, Geography
Studying the rainforest this week.

Closer Look at The Rainforest, by Wood. Learned What is a Rainforest? Where are Rainforests? Deforestation. Endangered Species/Extinction.

Science, Life Skills
Went outdoors to experience a hands-on view of deforestation and erosion. Our yard is an example. The side is sloped with little vegetation. In the last several years, the dirt has been eroding. Tree roots are now visible that were not visible before. We are filling it back in with more dirt, but the rain will wash it away if we do not plant something on it (like grass or ground cover plants). Faith got to help with this.

Bible Study
Family Bible Study. Faith copied the verse of the day on her own paper.

Reading, History, Geography
Began reading The Little House on the Prairie, by Laura Ingalls Wilder.

Faith is really enjoying this series and looks forward to the new chapter every evening. We looked on the globe to map out where they lived in the Big Woods book and are following the path they are taking across the states to their new home.

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