Thursday, March 26, 2009

Week of March 1-7

History, Reading, Writing
Studied ancient Egypt this week. Checked out various books from the library on this subject.

Faith read Mummies in the Morning, Magic Tree House, by Osbourne. She answered reading comprehension questions each day covering 3 chapters at a time.

Art, History
Faith drew a picture of the Sphinx in the desert using colored pencil.

Ponder the Picture: Colored a printout of items from ancient Egypt, then answered questions about the drawing.

Art, History
Studied Cubism this week. Pablo Picasso. Explored famous artists from this movement and their artwork using the internet. Faith painted a still life of a flower pot using cubist techniques. She also drew a man's face and a wine glass using graphite.

Time review worksheet.
Addition and subtraction review worksheets.
Fraction review worksheet.
Money review worksheet.

Physical Education
Played on the park with friends. Gymnastics on Friday for one hour.

Bible Study, Writing, Reading
Family Bible study daily. Faith copied her verse of the day on her own paper.

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