Monday, June 14, 2010

Week of June 13-19

Grade 2 Reading for the Gifted Student
Page 123 Hoop Dreams (short answer)
Page 124 Field Day (write your own ending to the story)
Page 125 That Stings (short answer)
Page 126 Nessie News (short answer)

Density Experiment. Filled two glasses with fresh water. Dissolved salt in one glass of water. Discussed which one was more dense, molecules, atoms. Added an egg to each to see that the egg floated in the salt water and sank in the unsalted water. Talked about the Dead Sea.

Step-By-Step Origami, by Jackson.
Learned to make a pig, a jumping frog, and a nesting bird using origami.

Math-U-See Beta Lesson 23 Time: Hours
Watched the DVD lesson.
Lesson Practice 23A.
Lesson Practice 23B.
Lesson Practice 23C.
Systematic Review 23D.
Systematic Review 23E.
Systematic Review 23F.

Grade 2 Spelling Skills Lesson 26 The Vowel Sound in out
Lesson 27 The Vowel Sound in saw
Page 122 Say and Listen, Think and Sort
Page 123 Word Groups, Antonyms
Page 124 Proofreading

Bible Study, Handwriting
Read a chapter aloud from the book of John each day. Faith worked on memorizing 5 verses and copied a memory verse from the chapter each day to practice her handwriting.

Continents. Continued learning the 7 continents of the world. Coloring printed maps of each continent and identifying and labeling some of the countries in each. Studying the globe.

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