Friday, February 6, 2009

Week of February 1-7

Faith read The Mystery of the Eagle Feather, by Murphy.
Faith read Getting to Know You, by Marsoli.
Faith read A Moment to Remember, by McCafferty.
Faith Read One True Love, by Auerbach.

Learning about Verbs, Nouns, and Adjectives. Faith did several pages in her "mad libs" type book. She has to think of a list of verbs, nouns, and adjectives to fill in the blanks of a silly story. I help her by asking, "Okay, now think of a verb. Now I need an adjective." etc., and writing them down. Then we read the story together and laugh.

More addition and subtraction practice.
Adding groups of tens and ones. Verbal practice and written practice.

Physical Education
Went to gymnastics class for one hour.

Life Skills
Baked cookies this week with my help.

Learned about the Dodo bird, it's characteristics, where it lived, extinction. Viewed drawings online and photos of skeletal remains.

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