Thursday, February 26, 2009

Week of February 15-26

Bible Study

Physical Education
Gymnastics for one hour on Friday.

Reading, Writing
Worked on Nouns, Verbs, Adjectives this week. Used Mad Libs type stories to reinforce.
Worksheet: Adjectives/Describing words
Worksheet: Nouns/Naming words
Worksheet: More than one. Add s to a naming word from the box to finish each sentence.

Art, Writing
Draw a picture. Write a short story about it.
Free draw time. Experimented with abstract shapes and color.

Math (Money)
Began working on counting/adding coins again this week. Practiced counting real coins each day. Took turns coming up with combinations of coins to count.
Worksheet: Pay for it with coins. Look at the price of each item. Draw the fewest coins to pay for it.
Worksheet: Shopping at the store. How much does each item cost? What is the total cost of 2 items?
Worksheet: Which amount is Less? Look at the two ways to show money. Write the amount for each way. Circle the lesser amount.

Faith read Francine, Believe it or Not, a Marc Brown Arthur Chapter Book.
Faith read Cam Jansen: The Mystery of the Gold Coins, by Adler.
Faith read Willa the Wonderful, by Milord.
Faith read Like Butter on Pancakes, by London.
The Man Who Kept House, by Hague.
Little Oh, by Melmed and LaMarche.
Horace the Horrible, by Koller.
Marsupial Sue, by Davis.
Dad Are You the Tooth Fairy? by Alexander.
Shrinking Mouse, by Hutchins.

Reading, History, Geography
Ms. Frizzle's Adventures Ancient Egypt, by Cole and Degen

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Week of February 8-14

Faith read The Mystery of the Silent Nightingale, by Murphy.

Life Skills
Went with her father on his trip to the fire station and purchase fire boots for work. Learned about using money or a purchase order.

Worksheet: Adding and Subtracting puzzle.
Worksheet: Adding and subtracting. Circle the problems with the answers that match the number.

Physical Education
Gymnastics for one hour on Friday.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Week of February 1-7

Faith read The Mystery of the Eagle Feather, by Murphy.
Faith read Getting to Know You, by Marsoli.
Faith read A Moment to Remember, by McCafferty.
Faith Read One True Love, by Auerbach.

Learning about Verbs, Nouns, and Adjectives. Faith did several pages in her "mad libs" type book. She has to think of a list of verbs, nouns, and adjectives to fill in the blanks of a silly story. I help her by asking, "Okay, now think of a verb. Now I need an adjective." etc., and writing them down. Then we read the story together and laugh.

More addition and subtraction practice.
Adding groups of tens and ones. Verbal practice and written practice.

Physical Education
Went to gymnastics class for one hour.

Life Skills
Baked cookies this week with my help.

Learned about the Dodo bird, it's characteristics, where it lived, extinction. Viewed drawings online and photos of skeletal remains.