Friday, November 21, 2008

Week of November 16-22

History, Social Studies
Learned about Thanksgiving this week. We visited an interactive website that describes the Pilgrims' journey to the first Thanksgiving.
We learned about the Wampanoag people also. Clothing, food, activities, etc. Great website!

Art, Spelling, History
Colored a picture of a Cornucopia and learned what it symbolizes and also how to spell it!

Art, History
Colored a picture of a Pilgrim and a Wampanoag man together in traditional clothing.

History, Physical Education, Science
Went camping this weekend at Torreya State Park with friends. (Faith's pen pal.) We went hiking, looked for deer and checked for animal tracks, built a fire, visited the historical home. Discussed the kinds of animals that live in North Florida as we listened to a pack of wild coyotes howling in the distance.

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