Friday, November 28, 2008

Week of November 23-29

Visited the Mission San Luis and learned all about life at the Spanish mission during that time. We took a self guided tour of the grounds, visiting the council house, the spanish home, the church, the friary, the gardens, and the fort.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Week of November 16-22

History, Social Studies
Learned about Thanksgiving this week. We visited an interactive website that describes the Pilgrims' journey to the first Thanksgiving.
We learned about the Wampanoag people also. Clothing, food, activities, etc. Great website!

Art, Spelling, History
Colored a picture of a Cornucopia and learned what it symbolizes and also how to spell it!

Art, History
Colored a picture of a Pilgrim and a Wampanoag man together in traditional clothing.

History, Physical Education, Science
Went camping this weekend at Torreya State Park with friends. (Faith's pen pal.) We went hiking, looked for deer and checked for animal tracks, built a fire, visited the historical home. Discussed the kinds of animals that live in North Florida as we listened to a pack of wild coyotes howling in the distance.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Week of November 9 - 15

Watched several videos on the different states of matter. Solids, liquids and gases.

Science, Reading, Writing
Word puzzle on solids, liquids and gas.

Adding double digits and carrying.

Faith read The Snack Attack Mystery, by Levy.
Faith read Nate the Great and the Turkey
Pinky and Rex and the Bully, by Howe.

Reading, Social Studies
Amelia's Road, by Altman. Learned about migrant farm workers.

Reading, Geography
The Scrambled States of America Talent Show, by Keller.

Physical Education
Played at the park with friends.

Bible Study, Reading, Writing
Each morning, Faith studied a verse or passage from the Bible with us and then copied it on to her own handwriting paper.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Week of November 2 - 8

Math, Science
Faith's snake shed another skin, so we added it to her growth chart and Faith measured and noted it. She grew 2 inches in a month and a half!

Bible Study, Writing
Each day, we read a section or verse from the bible and Faith copied it to her own paper.

Froggy Learns to Swim, by London.
Faith read Pinky and Rex and the Bully, by Howe.

Used a paper clock to practice reading time.
3 Worksheets: Different ways to say the time. Half-past, quarter after, quarter til.

Physical Education
Played at the park with friends.

Made a craft with plastic beads that you create a design on a spiked tray and then melt together with an iron.

Review words Who, What, When, Where, Why

we found a lizard learned it was a green anole and read about how to care for it, where it lives, what they eat etc. also a green tree frog. put both in an aquarium to keep as pets.

spelling test on 'who,what,when,where,why' missed where so faith wrote it about 15 times on the back

took faith to the store to use $20 gift card. she had to read pric labels to determine more or less

math test from sonlight first grade placement exam--missed only one question

faith read word bird
i read thumbelina

Reading, Writing
phonics workbook 3 pages

time worksheet