Thursday, September 18, 2008

Reading, Bible Study, Writing
This morning's Bible study was Mark 8:34-38 and Mark 9:33-35. The key verse was verse 35, "If anyone wants to be first, he must be the very last, and the servant of all." Faith wrote this.

Reading, Bible Study, Social Studies
Evening Bible story: "A Widow's Son is Raised to Life," (Luke 7:11-17) from Egermeier's Bible Story Book. Then we discussed funerals from that time period and other types of funeral ceremonies. We watched videos of other culture's funeral processions (China, Bali, India, America)

Physical Education
Played at the park with friends.

Chapters 10-13 of The Quite Remarkable Adventures of the Owl and the Pussycat, by Idle.

Worksheet: Addition and Subtraction mixed problems
Worksheet: Money. What is the price of each toy? Count the dimes, nickels and pennies to find out.

Reading, Writing
Learned the difference between an asking sentence and a telling sentence. Punctuation and Capitalization.
Worksheet: Mark under the letter to show where the capital letter goes. Then put a period at the end of the sentence. Write a telling sentence.

Painting time.

Computer Skills
Played on Webkins. Faith is currently earning and saving her "money" to purchase an outdoor umbrella table. :)

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