Monday, August 4, 2008

Reading, Bible Study
Who Are You, Sue Snue? by Dr. Suess.
The Frog Prince, A Tale About Keeping Your Word, by Lukas.
Horton Hears A Who! by Dr. Suess.
Faith read Noah, by McGraw-Hill Children's Publishing.
Faith read Bible Heroes, by McGraw-Hill Children's Publishing.
Faith read David, by McGraw-Hill Children's Publishing.
Faith read "The Chariot of Fire" (1Kings 19 & 2 Kings 2) from The Beginner's Bible, by Henley.
Faith read "The Net" (Matthew 13) from The Beginner's Bible, by Henley.

Reading, Writing
Worksheet: Write the beginning sound of each picture name. Read the words you have written on each line and match it to the pictures on the right side of the page by writing the number of the line in each circle.

Worksheet: Addition and subtraction practice.

Life Skills
We made pillows today out of Faith's old crib bumper.

Free coloring time. Faith made 3-D vegetables out of paper by coloring and balling up the paper in the shape of a tomato, carrot, eggplant, corn, and chives.

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