Friday, May 9, 2008

Learning about the letter U this week. I created a homemade workbook for Faith out of several pages of worksheets pulled from different books.

Science, Computer Skills, Bible Study
We went to the radio station 91.1 this morning for a short tour. Faith got to create a recording of herself as she recited a scripture verse. She then got to see how it was edited on the computer and prepared for broadcast. Her audio clip was played on the airwaves after we left!

Faith came with me this morning to the church to help prepare the flowers to be given out on Mother's Day. She help separate cards, punch holes, and learned how to tie them with ribbon to the flowers.

Faith drew a picture of herself on the cover of the workbook.

U coloring page. Color each letter according to the instructions to reveal a picture of an umbrella.

Writing, Reading
Worksheet: Practice writing the letter U and u on the lines provided.
Worksheet: Circle the letter that stands for the beginning sound of each picture. (u & q)
Worksheet: Read each sentence. Circle the word that completes the sentence. Write the word on the line. (mule, use, cute, cube, tune, June)

Faith did her first Wordsearch today. It was part of her workbook.

Faith read What Grandmas Do Best, by Numeroff.
Faith read A Pony For a Princess, by Posner-Sanchez.
Zara's Hats, by Meisel.

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