Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Made an achievement chart for Faith today. Every time she reads a book to us, she earns a sticker on her chart. Each sticker is worth 15 minutes of game-playing time on the Wii or Computer.

"How To Feed a Hungry Giant" from Gators & Taters, by Romano.
Flat Stanley, by Brown.
Faith read pgs. 1-18 of Lost and Found, by Mason & Cupples.

Reading, Math
Played the game Word Shortcut using letters O, N, H, J.

Subtraction worksheet: write the numbers on the line to make subtraction sentences by looking at the pictures. Notice the pattern of subtracting each number from 10.

Money worksheet: Coin values. Draw a line to match the coins to their value. (Nickels, Dimes, Pennies)

Had a discussion in the car about twins. Fraternal, identical, uterus, etc.

Faith found a caterpillar in the yard. We had a review of the life cycle of a butterfly.

Practiced writing first and last name.

Faith read the rest of Lost and Found.
Faith read Fun In The Garden, by Modern Publishing.

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