Sunday, March 30, 2008

Reading, Writing
Worksheet: The letter Y,y. Practice recognizing and writing the letter Y in upper and lower case.
Worksheet: Write the letter Y for each picture that begins with the /y/ sound.

Addition practice. Adding numbers 1-20 with some carrying.

Coyote and the Laughing Butterflies, by Taylor.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

I found 75 cents on my walk today and brought it home for Faith to count. It was 4 dimes, 4 nickels, and the rest pennies. I showed Faith how to group the like coins and then count them starting with those that are worth the most--dimes, then nickels, then pennies. She also counted by tens and fives to do this.

"Hootenflute Flies the Coop" from Gators & Taters, by Romano. (Poetry)
Faith read Who You Are on the Inside, by Catala.
Faith read In the Garden.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Made an achievement chart for Faith today. Every time she reads a book to us, she earns a sticker on her chart. Each sticker is worth 15 minutes of game-playing time on the Wii or Computer.

"How To Feed a Hungry Giant" from Gators & Taters, by Romano.
Flat Stanley, by Brown.
Faith read pgs. 1-18 of Lost and Found, by Mason & Cupples.

Reading, Math
Played the game Word Shortcut using letters O, N, H, J.

Subtraction worksheet: write the numbers on the line to make subtraction sentences by looking at the pictures. Notice the pattern of subtracting each number from 10.

Money worksheet: Coin values. Draw a line to match the coins to their value. (Nickels, Dimes, Pennies)

Had a discussion in the car about twins. Fraternal, identical, uterus, etc.

Faith found a caterpillar in the yard. We had a review of the life cycle of a butterfly.

Practiced writing first and last name.

Faith read the rest of Lost and Found.
Faith read Fun In The Garden, by Modern Publishing.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Reading, Bible Study
Don't Tell the Whole World! by Cole.
Discussed lying, truth, and who did the right thing.

Faith read Wings on Things, by Brown.

Math, Art
Subtraction. Count how many animals in all, how many are leaving, and how many are left. Draw two scenes of your own that show animals leaving a group, then write out the problem.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Using a number line to learn how to subtract, Faith did about 25 problems.
Worksheet: Write the equation for the subtraction problems next to each picture. Then solve.

Faith read My "T" Sound Box, by Moncure.

Made a bead necklace with her full name spelled out on it.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Science, History
Went to the Tallahassee Museum today with friends.

Reading, Writing, Art
Learned about vowels.
Worksheet: Listen to the vowel sound in each picture name. Find that vowel on a crayon. Use your crayons to make each flag the right color.
Worksheet: Name each picture. Write the vowels to complete the words.

Created two butterfly drawings in crayon.

Rhea Gets It Right

Monday, March 10, 2008

Went to the library.

Faith read My "X, Y, Z" Sound Box, by Moncure.

Just A Minute: A Trickster Tale and Counting Book, by Morales. Includes review of Spanish words and counting 1-10.

Science, Reading
Eyewitness Books: Space Exploration, by Stott.

Friday, March 7, 2008

Faith read Stop That Bus, an e-book from .

Word problem from Stop That Bus: If the frog got the jet when he was six years, and he is now ten years, how many years has he owned the jet?

Writing, Reading
Contractions Introduction.
1.Draw a line from the two words in color to the one word (contraction) that means the same.
2.Write one word that means the same as the two words in color.
3.Read each sentence. Write the one word that means the same as the two words under the line.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Worksheets: (2) pages of addition practice sheets (numbers 1-19)

More painting with primary colors.

Computer Skills
Played on .

Saw a large bird in our neighborhood and wanted to know what it was. We began researching on the internet together to see if we could find out. We know it is some kind of hawk. Further research is necessary.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Worksheet: telling time in different ways, and writing it in different ways
Worksheet: addition, writing out addition problems

Monday, March 3, 2008

Mulan, from Disney Storybook.
Faith read Too Many Mice, by Brenner.

Painted pictures using only red, blue and yellow. Primary colors.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Faith read Ruby's Perfect Day, by Hill.