Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Went to the library. Faith decided on studying the letter R this week and learning about rocks, gems, crystals, and fossils (some of her favorite things to collect).

Reading, Science
Crystal & Gem, by Eyewitness books. Learned all about what crystals and gems are, the various types, people who study them, how they are made and used.

Created an experiment with growing crystals. Using sugar, boiling water, food coloring, string and two different sized glasses, we wanted to know which cup would grow the crystals first: the smaller, narrow one, or the larger wide one. We must wait and watch the cups over the next few days to see what happens.

Writing, Reading
Addressed and mailed the letter to penpal Caleb.

Because today is the anniversary of the day Tabitha joined our family from China, we had a celebration at Faith's grandparent's house. Her grandfather pinned up a giant map of the world and showed us the path that they traveled to get Tabitha and bring her home.

Faith read a book to me while at her grandparent's house, but I do not know the title.

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