Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Read Curious George Flies a Kite, by Rey.
Faith read What Do You Like, by ?

Played "Chutes and Ladders" and "Candy Land."
(Recognizing numbers and counting.)

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Writing, Art
Worksheets: Name each picture, Circle the picture and write the name. (gl, fl, cl, pl, bl)
Worksheet: Color the leaves on the tree. Color the capital L's green. Color the lower case l's yellow.
Worksheet: Practice writing capital and lower case L's.

Read "Mulan" from Disney Beloved Tales
Faith read Happy Days, by ?

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Listened to the audio recording of Prince Caspian: The Return to Narnia, by C.S. Lewis.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Listened to the audio recording of The Horse and His Boy, by C.S. Lewis.

Art, Writing
Decorated a Give Thanks container for a Thanksgiving project. Faith collected statements from family while on our camping trip of what they were thankful for. They wrote them on notecards, including Faith, and put them in the container. We then took turns reaching in and reading each other's cards.

Physical Education, Science
Took a nature hike and learned about the different kinds of trees in Georgia and explored a river waterfall, an old grist mill, and saw beautiful fall colors.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Writing, Reading
Wrote a letter to penpal, Caleb about her new pet snake. Sent him a package with an arts & crafts folder. Took it to the post office and mailed it.

Played "Go Fish" with numbered playing cards. (Number recognition and counting.)

Friday, November 16, 2007

Life Skills, Art
Faith helped frost and decorate a birthday cake in memory of her sister, Annika.

Worksheets: Counting objects and writing the number. Skip counting (counting by twos). Fill in the missing number. Counting objects and finding the total by making tally marks on a chart.

Art, History, Math
Made popsicle stick puzzles today. Lined up the sticks and taped the back with a strip of masking tape. Wrote a number on each stick in order (1-15). On the other side, Faith colored a picture of the Mayflower, then removed the strip of tape. Makes a puzzle that can be put together from the picture side or by numerical order.

Then, Faith decided her puzzle needed a box to keep it in, so we made a box out of popsicle sticks, wide strips of fabric, leather, and metal buttons for decoration.

Computer Skills
Played on today.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

We took a field trip with some other homeschoolers to the Mission San Luis. It was a wonderful view inside the life of the Spanish settlers and Appalachee Indians of the time.

Physical Education
Faith also attended gymnastics today.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Reading, Writing
Worksheet: Cut out the words and sort them into groups (hard "th" as in "the" and soft "th" as in "thin").
Worksheet: Say each picture name. Listen for the /th/ or /ch/ sound. Write the name.
Worksheet: Say each picture name. Listen for the /sh/ or /ck/ sound. Write the name.

Faith practiced writing her last name.

Math (Time)
Worksheet: Tell time to the hour by looking at clock hands, a digital clock, and writing "o'clock".

Reading, History, Geography
Read The Story of Thanksgiving, by Bartlett.
Faith read Word Bird's Thanksgiving Words, by Moncure.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Life Skills
Played with friends this morning.
Went to the Fire Station and climbed in the back of a Police car. Watched as the police officer used his laser to catch people speeding and pulled them over to give them a ticket.

Reading, History, Geography
Read Thanksgiving Day: A Time to Be Thankful, by Landau. Learned the history of Thanksgiving from the Pilgrims to Sarah Josepha Hale. Looked on the globe to discover the path the Pilgrims took from England to Massachusetts.

Faith read Thanksgiving Is... by Borden.

Bible Study, Reading
Read "Elijah and the Prophets of Baal (1 Kings 18:17-40)" from Egermeier's Bible Story Book.

Played Chutes and Ladders. (Counting and number recognition.)

Invited a friend to come over and see Sophie the Corn Snake eat her weekly meal. Faith explained to him many things about snakes and how to care for them.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Reading, Math (Time), Bible Study
Faith read Time, by Pistoia.
Read I.Q., It's Time, by Fraser.
Read "Elijah Fed By the Ravens" from Egermeier's Bible Story Book.

Math (Time)
More chalkboard clock reading.

Writing, Art
More chalkboard story telling. This time, Faith retold the story of the "Gingerbread Man" in her own words while drawing pictures. I told her the story of the "Frog Prince."

Art, Math (Time)
Cut out a paper clock and used a brad to attach the hands. Faith colored the clock with colored pencils. Then we practiced telling time with it.

Physical Education
Gymnastics class.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Reading, Writing
Worksheet: Circle the items that begin with the /t/ sound.
Worksheet: Read the words in the box, then write each one next to the correct picture. Also, write your own "T" word and draw a picture of it.
Letter T maze.
Worksheet: Practice writing upper and lower case T.

Math (Time)
Did chalkboard clocks and practicing telling time again today. (see yesterday)

Art, Writing
Creative writing. Faith drew pictures and words on the chalk board as she described a "pirate" story to me. Then I did one for Faith.

Read Sione's Talo, by Nelisi
Faith read Herman the Helper, by Kraus

Played on today.

Monday, November 5, 2007

Faith has decided to study the letter "T" this week.

Writing, Reading, Art
We made a "T" poster. Took turns thinking of and writing words that start with "t" including "th" words. Faith then illustrated the words. We hung the poster on the refrigerator.

Math (Time)
This week we will be learning about time and telling time. We sat down with a chalkboard and I asked Faith to help me think of some ways people talk about time. We came up with words like "minute" and "year" and "tomorrow".
Then I drew a clock on the chalkboard and we discussed what it represents, how many seconds are in a minute, how many minutes are in an hour and so forth.
I drew hands on the clock and had Faith tell me what "o'clock" it was. (She was already knowlegeable with hours.) Then I taught her how to count the numbers by fives and she practiced telling time that way.

Worksheet: Look at each clock and write what hour it is. (4:00)

Reading, Bible Study
Faith read It's Not Easy Being a Bunny, by Sadler.
Read "A Bug's Life" from Disney Beloved Tales.
Read "Asa Follows God (1 Kings 15:9-15; 2 Chronicles 14-15)" and "Trouble Between Israel and Judah (1 Kings 15:16-24; 2 Chronicles 16)" from Egermeier's Bible Story Book.

Reading, Writing
Worksheet: Recognizing and writing the letter T/t
Worksheet: Color the picture that begins with the /t/ sound
Worksheet: Write a T/t under each picture that begins with the /t/ sound

Faith colored a picture of a turkey.

Friday, November 2, 2007

Faith read What If? by Graham
Read The Wedding Dress Mess, by Masini

Worked on adding 1-20 in her head while on a walk.
Worksheet: Counting, Skip-counting, and writing in the missing number
Worksheet: Write in the missing numbers 1-20

Math (Money) , Physical Education
Went on a coin hunt walk and found a quarter and five pennies. Discussed adding quarters and pennies.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Physical Education
Went to gymnastics.
Had a friend come over to play this afternoon.

Reading, Science
Read The Magic School Bus At The Waterworks, by Cole. Learned about the water cycle and how water is cleaned and processed from nature and the path it takes to get to our homes.

Reading, Writing
Worksheet: Write the upper and lower case letter W on the lines if the picture begins with W.
Worksheet: Color the picture if it begins with the letter W.
Worksheet: Name each picture. Write "wh" if you hear the same sound as "whale" and write "ch" if you hear the same sound as "chair."
Worksheet: Name each picture. Circle the picture name, then write the name. "ch" and "wh"

Bible Study, Reading
Read "Solomon's Last Days (1 Kings 11)" from Egermeier's Bible Story Book.

Had a discussion about "nocturnal" animals. Faith noticed that her pet snake, Sophie, is more active at night and I explained that she is a nocturnal animal. We named other animals that are nocturnal and why.