Friday, July 25, 2008

Faith worked on a word search book she received as a gift. At first, she was frustrated because she didn't know many of the words (it was an adult level book) but then she began to get the hang of it and was very proud of herself!

A Children's Book About Cheating, by Berry.

Reading, Bible Study
The Birth of a Savior, by Spirit Press.
Faith read Adam & Eve, by Spirit Press.

Free drawing time with crayons.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Physical Education
Played ball with friends in the backyard. Swings & running.

Had a review of vowels and what the "long" sound is.
Vowels worksheet: Draw a line from each picture word to the long vowel sound.

Faith read Giggle, Giggle, Quack, by Cronin.

Free drawing time with crayons and newsprint paper.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Subtraction worksheet: Subtract using numbers 1-10 with a number line.

If You Give a Pig a Pancake, by Numeroff.
The Story of Babar, by Brunhoff.
Faith read A Children's Book About Being Rude, by Berry.
Faith read A Children's Book About Being Wasteful, by Berry.
Faith read The Bears' Picnic, by Berenstain.
Faith read What Grandmas Do Best, by Numeroff.

Faith has been working on drawing faces. She created a book, My Book of Scary Faces. Each page is of a different face with unique features drawn on different colors of paper.

Physical Education
Went to Zoinks with friends.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Addition worksheet: Adding numbers 1-10 in horizontal format.

Papa, Please Get the Moon for Me, by Carle.
A Children's Book About Being Messy, by Berry.

Played with friends.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Bible Study, Life Skills, Art, History, Music, Physical Education, Servanthood, Writing
Vacation Bible School

Physical Education

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Bible Study, Life Skills, Art, History, Music, Physical Education, Servanthood, Writing
Vacation Bible School

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Bible Study, Life Skills, Art, History, Music, Physical Education, Servanthood, Writing
Vacation Bible School

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Bible Study, Life Skills, Art, History, Music, Physical Education, Servanthood, Writing
Vacation Bible School

Monday, July 14, 2008

Bible Study, Life Skills, Art, History, Music, Physical Education, Servanthood, Writing
Vacation Bible School

Friday, July 11, 2008

Physical Education

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Writing, Reading, Art
Faith wrote a letter today to her penpal, Caleb, and drew a picture for him.

Math (Time), Art
Draw pictures to show things you do in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening, and at night.

Worksheet: Subtraction using pictures. Write the difference: write the numbers and symbols to show what is happening in the pictures.

Worksheet: Fill in the missing numbers (1-20)

Life Skills
Faith learned how to cook eggs today for herself and her sister. She cracked the eggs, dropped them in the pan, flipped them, removed them onto a plate, turned off the stove, and served them.

Physical Education
Played on the Slip N Slide today with the family.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

The New Baby, by Mercer Mayer.
Faith read One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish, by Dr. Seuss.

Physical Education
Completed balance exercises using Wii Fit.

Free drawing time.

Life Skills
Helped with VBS preparation.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Writing, Reading, Math, Art
Worked on Faith's My Book About Me book. Counted her steps to the first tree from the front door. Counted her steps to the mailbox (300!) and answered questions in writing about her likes, dislikes, personality, what she wants to be when she grows up. She drew a picture of a bird and colored it in.

Physical Education
Exercised using the Wii Fit.

Watched videos online of some of the songs from The Sound of Music and sang along with them.

Reading, Computer Skills
Faith read an online book here:
called What Did Toby See? by Ron Zalme

Faith read Emily Elizabeth Goes To School, Clifford's Big Dig, and Where Is Emily Elizabeth? online here:

She also played the Make a Word phonics game on that website.